
Parent work at the rainbow school

Elternvertreter*innen gewählt von der Schulpflegschaft für das Schuljahr 23/24

Schulpflegschaftsvorsitzender Herr Micus

stellvertretender Schulpflegschaftsvorsitzender Herr Ostlinning

Elternvertreter in der Schulkonferenz

Herr Micus, Schulpflegschaftsvorsitzender/ Mitglied der Schulkonferenz
Frau Schulz, Mitglied der Schulkonferenz
Herr Wöstheinrich, Mitglied der Schulkonferenz

Trusting cooperation with parents and legal guardians in all areas of education and support is very important at our school.

Section 62 of the NRW School Act (1) Teachers, parents and students work together in trusting cooperation in the educational work of the school and thereby promote personal responsibility in the school.

Who represents my interests at school?

  • The representatives of all parents are the participatory bodies of the school.
  • The members of the participation committees are elected for one school year.
  • The elections should take place at the beginning of the school year class guardianship after 3 weeks at the latest, school guardianship and school conference after 5 weeks)
  • § 63 SchulG is binding for the procedure in the school participation committees, § 64 SchulG for the elections to these committees.


How can I get involved in the Rainbow School?

In addition to working in the school's participation committees, many parents are very committed to shaping school life and contributing their ideas, experiences and skills. Concrete opportunities for this arise, among other things, at

  • Class Board Meetings
  • class celebrations
  • project days and project weeks
  • school festivals
  • courses and excursions
  • shadowing in the classroom

When can I speak to the teachers about my child?

  • To the Parent consultation and counseling days (1 x per school semester)
  • At the class guardianship meeting at the start of the school year
  • Individual communication through
      • Message booklets (written)
      • phone calls (oral)
      • Personal talks as needed and by arrangement

How can I support my child?

  • If you have any questions, concerns or problems, please search the conversation early with the class teachers. In the interests of your child, we would like one close cooperation. Good cooperation between school and parents has a positive effect on the development of your child.
  • Help your child with their daily routine: pack their knapsack, get materials, have them show them their homework, give them a healthy breakfast, ensure they get enough sleep...
  • How you can best support your child in the area of language varies from person to person. Contact us! together with the class teacher Funding Opportunities be developed for the home.



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