Classes 4a and 4b go on a class trip to the wintry Sauerland

Today, November 21st, 2022, classes 4a and 4b start a 5-day class trip to the youth forest home Gillerberg in Hilchenbach. Accompanied by 4 teachers and 1 integration worker, the classes spend days close to nature in the youth forest home in the beautiful Sauerland. The anticipation of the 34 students could be clearly felt, large suitcases and of course lots of provisions were transported to the bus with excitement. The children routinely pulled their masks over their mouths and noses, which they have to wear during the 3-hour bus ride. This trip is also the final trip for the fourth graders who will be going to secondary school in summer 2023. After the last suitcases and boxes with material and important equipment, such as a popcorn machine for the movie night, had been stowed away, the bus started moving with a group of students and teachers waving happily. Have fun!

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