Hello from Rainbow School!

FINALLY - after a 3-year break, on Friday, February 17th, 2023, we could celebrate again in the rainbow school.

At the big carnival celebration, in the auditorium of the school, which had been spruced up for the occasion, the students greeted the child prince couple and the prince couple of the city of Rheda-Wiedenbrück with a triple Helau. The Royal Highnesses were accompanied by the Prince Guard of the Wiedenbrücker Carnival Club "HeLü".

An appropriate carnivalesque greeting from the Wiedenbrücker Karnevalsverein was rehearsed in advance in all classes. An atmospheric threefold Helau, Helau, Helau sounded in the auditorium.

After the words of their majesties to the rainbow students, the head girl Laura and her deputy Bogdan welcomed the big carnival company. The pirate dance rehearsed by the students and the polonaise encouraged the prince guard to dance along. A surging crowd of exuberantly moving carnivalists made the atmosphere boil. What fun! After the long break caused by Corona, all the revelers were looking forward to this happy get-together.

The HeLü carnival club was given a fitting farewell with a La Ola wave and shouts of Helau from the entire school. Then the fairies and witches, the pirates, soccer players, cooks and clowns, along with their beautifully costumed teachers, floated into their classes to continue partying.

The rainbow school greets with a triple Helau and wishes you happy carnival days!

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